The secret village of the Faetouched isn't as hard to find as you might think- but it does require a willingness to travel deeper into Glymst'aven than many would be comfortable doing. Established long before the rebel camp their homes and buildings are built into the trees and the earth itself, often extending down between the roots. Some believe that early faetouched forest-tellers were able to shape the trees to their will, or that they spoke to the forest and negotiated their place amongst it's feet. Many faetouched never leave the village, and have never seen the city from close, but others have travelled out, or left the forest all together. The rebel forces have long sought an ally in these strange peoples, but reactions have been mixed. Many believe that Glymst'aven will protect them from the cities advances, and that there is no need to put themselves in harms way for humans. Opinions are mixed, and some are willing to stand and fight for the people beyond the woods, but they tend to be a minority, especially within the village itself.
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